投資離不開做一下功課,坊間有不少的投資書籍值得大家參考,如果只能推介一本關於投資的書,筆者會建議這一本美國基金經理彼得林治(Perter Lynch)出的書One up on Wall Street。 這本書有不少中文的翻譯本。香港的公共圖書館中文和英文書都有,不妨借閱一下。
大家走到google大神查一下 “ten baggers” ,好自然會找到源頭,即來自Perter Lynch這本書。 “ten baggers” 10 倍股,是指升值10倍的股票,這也是Perter Lynch精彩內容之一。一個基金經理(應該是神級的基金經理)寫出一本普通人易明,又實用的投資書,是十分難得。
- 如何利用你已知的事在市場賺錢
- 我要避開的股票
- 決定一個投資組合
- 最好的買入和沽出的時間.
- The only buy signal I need is to find a company I like.
- Rule number one, in my book is : stop listening to professionals!
- Fund managers in general spend a quarter of their working hours explaining what they just did.
- The stock I try to buy are the very stocks that traditional fund managers try to overlooks. In other words, I continue to think like an amateur as frequently as possible.
- How many stocks is too many? … The point is not to rely on any fixed number of stocks but rather to investigate how good they are.
- If you do plan to buy a stock for its dividend, find out if the company is going to be able to pay it durning recessions and bad times.